
Trelis 15.1 新機能


  • geometry →surface →modify →split のメニューに(split) with curve を追加しました。
  • volume →webcut →coordinate plane にinclude_neighbors オプションを追加しました。
  • メッシュジオメトリのインポートに、"unique genesis ids" オプションを追加しました。Free Mesh に関してはすでにあったオプションですが、Mesh Based Geometry にも対応できるようになりました。
  • "import mesh ... no_geom" と "import mesh ..." コマンドにtimestep(時間ステップ)オプションを追加しました。


  • Distene MeshGems suite の三角形/四辺形メッシングテクノロジーを統合しました。
  • mesh delete パネル上の"Propagate" の表示を"Keep Lower Mesh" に変更しました。また、カーブのインターバルをリセットするオプション("curve interval default" コマンドを発行します)を追加しました。
  • meshボタンを押したときに、自動でサイジングとスキーム情報を適用するオプションを追加しました。
  • メッシュ警告ダイアログを削除できるオプションを追加しました。
  • Column Swap Node コマンドを追加しました。
  • new column collapse コマンドを追加しました。


  • ウェッジ要素とピラミッド要素を、グラフィックウィンドウ上での右クリック(コンテキストメニュー)に対応させました。
  • マテリアルインターフェースに、set_material_id メソッドを追加しました。
  • Mesh →Curve →Mesh →Bias のGUI を改良し、より使いやすくなりました。
  • blocks/nodeset/sideset の表示機能にGUI を対応させました。
  • Iキーショートカットによる、選択したblocks/nodeset/sideset の表示切り替えサポートを追加しました。
  • 'all visible' 操作にblocks、sideset、nodeset を追加しました。
  • mesh column コマンドのGUI パネルを追加しました。
  • Material Property ページを、マテリアルインターフェースと連携するようにアップデートしました。
  • 新規blocks/nodeset/sideset のrenumber コマンドのGUI を追加しました。
  • Free Mesh タブに、"Apply Deformations" を追加しました。
  • mesh →volume →quality パネルのQuality Metric にequivolume skew を追加しました。
  • ウェッジ要素とピラミッド要素を、グラフィックウィンドウ上での右クリック(コンテクストメニュー)に対応させました。
  • nodeset とsideset の表示切り替え機能を追加しました。


  • APREPRO ライブラリをseacas レポジトリと同期しました。
  • マルチラインなaprepro 文字列の定義をジャーナル可能にしました。
  • smart move constraint を用いて、tet10 elements(4面体二次要素)の歪みを除去できます。
  • ユーザからの提案を基に、ジャーナルエディタのclear 機能を、selectall の後にcut するように変更しました。以前はclear 後にテキストを貼り付けることができませんでしたが、新しい方式なら、誤ってテキストをclear した場合でも、元のテキストをエディタに貼り付け直すことができます。
  • .cub ファイルがHDF5 を使用するようにしたことで、サードパーティが.cub ファイルをファイル管理に使用できるようになりました。
  • Save/Restore で、ID が次の順番でないグループを復元できるようになりました。


  • ソフトウェア開発キットのコマンドパネル例を改良しました。
  • NavigationWidgetFactory のソフトウェア開発キット例を追加しました。
  • コマンドパネルボタン作成のソフトウェア開発キット例を追加しました。


Trelis 30日間無償評価版

> 30日間無償評価版はこちらから



Trelis 15.1 Release Notes
Fixed In some cased, too many qa records were being written to the exodus file. This has been fixed.
Fixed Remember the last filter when using the import dialog. Will use it for next import filter default.
Fixed Fixing the 'control-g' interaction in the graphics window. The problem was a lack of support for something called 'flat shaded' mode. Half of the code expected that mode to exist, the more important half in showviz knew nothing of it.
Fixed Changed the default normal tolerance when generating graphics facets for composite surfaces from 2.0 to 5.0. 2.0 was too tight and way to many facets were being generated killing performance on operations that depend on the facets (like searching for overlapping surface pairs). This has the potential to affect many things so please let me know if you see problems but it passes all of the tests with two minor tweaks to mesh node positions that changed with the different faceting.
Fixed Enabled interoperability for edge/vertex blending/chamfering.
Fixed Fix bug when importing mesh with blocks having different combinations of edge/face/body center nodes.
Fixed False warning about volume not being water tight. When importing an stl file, there is an operation to merge_coincident_vertices. This routine finds boundary vertices on adjacent shells and then tries to merge them. I found a weird case where you can have two shells tied together by a vertex 'V'. While trying to merge coincident vertices between shells, this vertex 'V' is initially found to be a 'boundary vertex' but later, as adjacent coincident vertices get merged, 'V' ceases to be a boundary vertex. I added a check after all the merging is done to cull these non-boundary vertices so to not issue false warnings about not being water-tight.
Fixed Fixing the Create Mesh Element command panels. The pickwidgets were all defaulting to type 'volume'.
Fixed Enhance binary compatibility in CubitCommandInterface.
Fixed Fixing help links in command panels for CFD.
Fixed Fixing command panel help links for FEA panels.
Fixed Fixing help links in the meshing command panels.
Fixed Improved column open command.
Fixed Some speeds ups for the draw commands with geometry.
Fixed Fix Fluent export format for mixed element blocks.
Improvement Adding surface split with curve to the geometry/surface/modify/split GUI.
Improvement set volume proximity layers to set MeshGems CADSurf parameters.
Improvement set geometry approximation angle to set MeshGems CADSurf parameters.
Improvement set surface gradation minimum to set MeshGems CADSurf parameters.
Improvement set volume gradation minimum to set MeshGems CADSurf parameters.
Improvement set maximum size to set MeshGems CADSurf parameters.
Improvement Changed the mesh delete panel to say "Keep Lower Mesh" instead of "Propagate". Also added an option to reset curve intervals, which will issue the "curve interval default" command.
Improvement Sync the aprepro library with the seacas repository.
Improvement Enable journaling of multiline aprepro string definitions.
Improvement Save/Restore will now allow a group to be restored whose ID is not the next one in order. In other words, if a user saves a cub file that contains a group with an ID of 3, that group will be restored as group 3.
Improvement Add an option to automatically apply sizing and scheme info when a user clicks the mesh button.
Improvement Give the user the option to suppress the mesh warning dialog.
Improvement Allowing wedge and pyramid elements to have context menu support in the graphics window.
Improvement Use smart move constraint to eliminate distortion of tet10 elements.
Improvement Add a set_material_id method to MaterialInterface.
Improvement Based on a user's suggestion, changed the 'clear' function in the journal editor to selectall then cut, rather than a complete clear. After clearing the text was not available to paste. With the new method, somebody who accidentally 'clears' will be able to paste the text back into the editor.
Improvement Enhanced Curve Mesh Bias GUI to make it more usable.
Improvement Adding GUI support for the block/nodeset/sideset visibility functionality
Improvement Added support for the "I" key shortcut for toggling visibility of picked blocks/nodeset/sideset.
Improvement Including blocks, sidesets, nodesets in the 'all visible' operation.
Improvement Adding GUI panels for the mesh column commands.
Improvement Added Column Swap Node Node Node Node command.
Improvement Update the Material Property page to work with the material interface.
Improvement Added new column collapse commands.
Improvement Adding GUI support for new block/sideset/nodeset renumber command.
Improvement Adding "Apply Deformations" to Free Mesh tab
Improvement Added equivolume skew to mesh volume quality panel.
Improvement Add timestep options to the "import mesh ... no_geom" and "import mesh ..." commands.
Improvement Allowing wedge and pyramid elements to have context menu support in the graphics window.
Improvement Added include_neighbors to volume webcut coordinate plane.
Improvement Changed .cub file to use HDF5, thereby enabling 3rd parties to use the .cub file for data management.
Improvement Adding the option "unique genesis ids" to import mesh geom. Note that this was already an option for free mesh. Making it work for MBG.
Improvement Adding a new interface CubitBCVizInterface.* for visualizing Custom BC. CustomBCData abstract class is added to define graphics object for variety of SierraBC such as pressure, temperature, etc. CustomGlyphData class defines generic glyph type such as Arrow, Sphere, Label, etc. and other attributes such as spacing, magnitude, direction, etc.
Improvement Improve SDK command panel examples.
Improvement Add SDK example for the NavigationWidgetFactory.
Improvement Add SDK examples for creating command panel buttons.
Improvement Add ability to toggle visibility of nodesets and sidesets.
Improvement Integrated triangle and tetrahedral meshing technology from MeshGems.
Improvement Modify OpenFoamExporter to output just the mesh data.
Trelis 15.1.1 Release Notes
Fixed Wrong node IDs
Fixed Crash Trelis - tet mesh airplane wing
Fixed Mesh Delete Visibility
Fixed Ctrl + G Does Not Cycle Through Graphics Modes
Fixed Ctrl + G Doesn't Loop Graphics Modes
Fixed Trelis Crashes When Deleting A Boundary Layer
Fixed Commands Issued from Custom Tools Are Not Logged to History
Fixed ID-less Journaling Not Working Properly
Fixed Webcut Plane Swing and Move Options
Improvement Custom material save
Improvement Power Tool Tree for Body Selection in Pick Widgets
Improvement Time dependency for BCs
Improvement Remove Fluent from Trelis FEA Import and Export Lists
Improvement Create Uninstaller for RLM-Server
Trelis 15.1.2 Release Notes
Fixed Renumber panels can't select elements
Fixed Surface overlap check fixed in legacy mode
Fixed Panel for webcut-with-sheet not accepting body as tool
Fixed Hex Crash
Fixed Bounding Box GUI Only Accepts Volume
Fixed Remove Warning When Creating Nodesets, Sidesets, and Blocks
Fixed Get Setting Cannot Get Dualbias Setting Information
Fixed Enable Journaling Button Fixed
Fixed False Error with Remove Surface Using ITEM
Fixed Refine and Reset Crash
Fixed Sizing Function Crash
Fixed Crash when imprinting on Linux
Fixed Crash when saving a .cub file
Fixed HDF5 Error when preserving undo information for imprint and merge
Fixed Delete volume generates HDF5 errors
Improvement Add Mesh Refinement - Dice Interval to GUI
Improvement Add OpenFOAM Export to the GUI
Improvement Add Fluent Skewness Metric to Volume Quality
Trelis 15.1.3 Release Notes
Fixed Remeshing vs. Cubitids option problem
Fixed Problems with Contact Sets export
Fixed Exodus sizing function error with loading data
Fixed ITEM right-click crash
Fixed Local language causes Abaqus importer to read text differently
Fixed Python batch mode (nographics option) inconsistent behavior
Fixed SpaceClaim component updated for unicode file paths
Improvement Allow mesh refinement of mixed element types (tets and pyramids)
Trelis 15.1.4 Release Notes
Fixed Fix saving of sideset names in HDF5 file.
Fixed Boundary layer problem when using mapped scheme.
Fixed Fix saving of sideset names in HDF5 file.
Fixed Fix file ownership in .deb package.
Fixed Do not create rlm diagnostic file in packages.
Fixed Fix memory error when passing periodic curves to CADSurf.
Fixed Fix /bin/sh syntax to be compatible with slightly older versions of sh.
Fixed Add qt.conf to RLM-Server package to prevent Qt issues when attempting to load plugins
Fixed Fix error with rpm/deb packages.
Fixed Disable PreCAD sewing which can modify the geometric topology for meshing.
Fixed Fix inconsistency on choosing meshgems vs. classic tri meshers.
Fixed Include MS runtimes in RLM package on Windows.
Fixed Fix sporadic crashes at shutdown with SpaceClaim component.
Fixed Fix ApreproEditor crash.
Fixed Fix for MeshExportInterface ABI compatibility.
Fixed Fix for bad parameterization produced from loft.
Trelis 15.1.5 Release Notes
Fixed Remove maximum number of point limit for CADSurf.
Fixed Odd Euler Characteristic error and other similar cases.
Fixed Updated MeshGems tetmesher.
Fixed Changed the return value of an empty (no-op) load_sizing_data() function from false to true.
Fixed Handling progress notification from precad.

Trelis is a trademark of Computational Simulation Software, LLC. All other trademarks cited here are the property of their respective owners.